Training Opportunity April 4,2022

LOCATION: Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
DATE/TIME: April 4 2022, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Maryland Fire and Explosive Investigators Association (MFEIA) is pleased to announce an upcoming training program for fire investigators. The MFEIA training will feature
ATF Forensic Auditor Sean Potts, who will discuss financial investigative methods and considerations in arson for profit cases.
ATF Senior Special Agent-CFI Chad Campanell is an NFPA 1321 (Standard for Fire Investigation Units) committee member. He will provide an overview of the upcoming NFPA 1321 standard and updates regarding NFPA 921 and NFPA 1033.
* Lunch is on your own*
Cost of the Training:
MFEIA Members: Free
Non-MFEIA Member: $40
Non-Members Please Make Payment Below: